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Online marketing is simple… IF you have the right formula! Over the last few decades, this formula has been discovered and used by the most successful entrepreneurs in the industry. Like a recipe executed properly, online marketing becomes very predictable and scalable.

Every successful online marketing business has these 6 Pillars in place that help SUSTAIN its success. Below are the pillars they use that you can start using today to move your business forward. These 6 pillars are the cornerstone of the attraction marketing formula!

Pillar #1 – Vision & Personal Development Strategy

This is the key to EVERYTHING else working.

This is where you dig deep, and truly figure out what you want your business to look like. What is the business you want to build?

You must get this so clear in your mind that you can taste it. So that this vision seeps into your bones and lights every cell in your body on FIRE! It’s essential that you have such a clear vision that you can create the feeling (vibration) of being there NOW.

Next you must be honest with yourself about what’s holding you back. We all have those things and they usually start with FEAR. Fear of putting yourself out there (video or webinars, for example), fear of failure, maybe even fear of success.

Your Limiting Beliefs about who you truly are will kill your chances of success before you ever step foot onto your online marketing journey. What is the limiting story that you’re running in your head day in, day out. You must rewrite this story so that it serves your forward motion!

If you’re not where you want to be and struggling to get there, it’s because either your vision hasn’t been strong enough… OR the vibrations that you’re sending don’t match the vision that you’re after. If you’re procrastinating, or quitting at setbacks, then you need to revisit and strengthen your VISION, and become the person who just doesn’t quit… ever.

When you’ve got this part right, everything else begins to fall into place, doors start to open, and obstacles melt away like butter on a scorching hot summer day!


Pillar #2: Personal Branding Strategy

Why should someone do business with YOU? It’s vital that you get clear on this.

You must understand that not everyone is a prospect for your product or business. If you’re marketing to everybody, you’re marketing to nobody.

Think about your personal brand…

Who are you? What do you stand for? Who do you serve? And what are THEIR biggest problems & challenges?

If you’re selling steaks to vegetarians, you’re fighting an uphill battle. But if your audience and target market wants a medium rare steak, and you’ve got the best steak in town (and you know how to market it), then you’re in business.

You must know understand what your audience wants, and simply give it to them.

Pillar #3 Monetization Strategy

We all start an online marketing business to make more money. But you’d be surprised how many people don’t have a monetization strategy in place.

How much money do you want to earn? Most people have that magic number of $10K/ month in the beginning. What’s your plan to get there? How many sign-ups, sales, customers, and clients do you need to hit that point?

You must know exactly what that number is so that you can create the strategy to go after it… Or you’ll likely fall short!

The great part is that when you’re creating your brand online like we talked about in Pillar #2, then it opens up various avenues of multiple streams of income. The leaders that you look up to now are building passive income from many different streams…

They refer valuable affiliate products and services, they offer coaching services, they create their own products, and they run a real business (they aren’t just a sales rep for a particular organization… they have built a brand by creating VALUE and solving problems).

Once you build your personal brand, you can earn money even when 95% say no to your primary opportunity, product, or service. The bigger YOUR brand, the more you have to offer, and the more money you can make!

Pillar #4 – Content Creation & Online Marketing Strategy

This is where you serve your audience. They say content is king, and that’s halfway true… QUALITY content is KING!

The truth is you don’t get to become the $10K per month business owner, without first doing the work that gets you there. Online, that work is content.

Creating quality content is the part that puts you in the leadership & authority role in the eyes of your prospects, which makes them want to follow you and buy your stuff.

Your content is the core of Attraction Marketing, because it’s exactly what attracts the right prospects to you.

Again, the type of content that you’ll create depends on where you’re building your audience. Blogging, videos, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, FB LIVE, free reports, etc. Like we discussed earlier, you don’t have to create all types of content on all the different platforms (NOT recommended), but you MUST pick at least ONE platform & marketing strategy and do it CONSISTENTLY until you get the result!



Download the MLSP Framework 6 Pillars | The Foundation of Your Online Marketing Business cheat sheet now!


Pillar #5  – Follow Up & Engagement Strategy

Once you start pulling people in with your content, you’ll begin to get leads. These are your most targeted prospects who are giving you permission to stay in contact with them.

The follow-up process is usually done through email, phone, text, and more recently can also be done through the powerful Facebook Messenger and ManyChat! And it really comes down to you following up with your prospects and consistently creating more value for your people than anybody else in the marketplace.

The fortune is most certainly in the follow-up! Things move very fast online. There’s always some new shiny object trying to get your prospect’s attention. If you’re not following up, connecting with, and engaging with your leads to see how you can serve them… somebody else is, and THEY are making the money.

Pillar #6 – Traffic Strategy

Now you’ve got to get people to your content, your websites, your capture pages and offers, etc. This means you must build your traffic strategy.

There are different kinds of traffic, but they mainly fall into either FREE or PAID strategies.

Paid traffic is traffic you control and is more immediate. And the sooner you can get there the better. But it’s perfectly fine to start with FREE strategies such as social media, blogging, video marketing, etc.

The important thing is to get eyeballs to your content!

The 3 Growth Phases of Your Attraction Marketing Formula!

We’ve now established the context of all successful online businesses. Build – Engage – Sell! If you’re focused on doing these 3 activities every single day, then you’re on the right track.

The framework & foundation of every successful online marketing business starts with these 3 Activities, the 6 Pillars, and this Attraction Marketing Formula.

Let’s simplify this even more so you can get start getting results RIGHT NOW!


One final piece of the puzzle are the 3 Phases of Growth that ALL entrepreneurs progress through on their entrepreneurial journey…



Download the MLSP Framework 3 Phases of Growth cheat sheet and keep it in front of you at all times so you always know where you are at in your business!


Growth Phase #1: Social Media Networking & Prospecting

This is simple. Just take what you know about prospecting and networking, and bring it online to social media. This is what you’ll focus on to initially grow your audience and network.

Instead of networking one-on-one like you would offline, this is where you can leverage the power of social media and network with 10, 20, 50, even 100 people at once. At home in your pj’s even. 😉

If you’re not using social media right now, you’re leaving money on the table. Plain and simple.

However, 99% of network marketing companies (yes even yours) are teaching you the wrong ways to use social media. And what they don’t realize is that what they are teaching you gives the profession a very bad rap… and keeps YOU broke.

You should not be selling your product or your biz opportunity on your personal profile. This turns you into a spammer!

Here’s the cool part…

Some people build their business so well in this 1st growth phase by prospecting on Facebook, that they really don’t ever need to run paid ads. They start recruiting and making sales so well that they can earn a full-time living from the 1st phase of growth.

Growth Phase #2: Personal Branding & Content Marketing

Once you’re comfortable building your audience on social media, then it’s time to move forward and start creating your own content and building your own brand!

This is where you create your own content that brands YOU as a leader. And it’s through this valuable content YOU create that people become attracted to you, want to work with you, and buy your products & services.

We like to get people to Growth Phase #2 as quickly as possible. The sooner you jump here, the sooner you start creating real, lasting results.

You position yourself as an authority, you build your brand, and your business takes off.

Growth Phase #3: Paid Advertising for Rapid Growth & Scaling (Optional)

Once you’re building your brand, and you’re ready to really scale things up, this is where you do it. Paid advertising will grow and scale your business.

Paid marketing is ‘optional’… but we here at Master Marketing 360 recommend getting into paid advertising as quickly as possible. And with our paid advertising blueprint, you can start running targeted traffic to your offers with as little as $5 per day.

How big do you want to grow your online marketing business empire? How fast do you want to build it? Paid ads can definitely help get you there faster than any other form of marketing IF you know what you’re doing! (and through MM360 resources, you will learn) 😉 

You’ve Now Got the 3-Step Attraction Marketing Formula That Every Successful Online Marketing Business Uses In Your Hands!

It’s up to you to create your vision. Just keep focused on the 6 Pillars and the 3 Phases of Growth to build your online marketing business empire and earn your freedom!

This Attraction Marketing Formula is EXACTLY what the top earners are following every single day… and now you can too!

We are here to help, we’ve got your back, and we believe in YOU!

To your success!

Thomas Fraley, Marketing Mastery 360

P.S. – If you want to be able to ask your prospects the same question top earners use to make money from the 90% who say NO to your business, (“How are you doing with generating leads for your business?”), and you are interested in implementing the ‘Attraction Marketing Formula’ into your business effective immediately to attract prospects to YOU who are already interested in what you have to offer, message me right away!